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Welcome to "microwaved coffee", a humble website designed to display art and comics made by Suzan Bongers. Dutch speaking visitors may also want to visit the forum Dewdrops, a place for artists, writers, photographers and other creative people.
If you were looking for Beunka Adam's page click here. If you don't know Beunka, but would like to support someone on death row click on the link to learn more about Beunka Adams.


News archive

[May the 16th 2009]
Two face-ups are uploaded to the face-up section and it has been more than a year, but I've made a new oekaki. Click the thumbnails for more info.

[April the 4th 2009]
Another new face-up is uploaded in the face-up section. Click the thumbnail below for more info.

[March the 20th 2009]
There's a new face-up in the face-up section. Click the thumbnail below for more info.

[December the 31st 2008]
My New Year's resolution of 2008: draw a Stok and Hark comic. I'm great with deadlines.
Stok and Hark #020.

[April the 9th 2008]
Another small update: I've uploaded two poems I've received from Beunka. Click here to read them. The two on the top are new. Some poemps without titles have received a title.

[February the 3rd 2008]
I've uploaded new poems I've received from Beunka. Click here and scroll down to read them.

[December the 18th 2007]
Again there are three new face-up picturs in the AJBD section. Click on the images below to see them.

[December the 8th 2007]
There are three new face-up pictures in the AJBD section. Click on the images below to see them.

[November the 22nd 2007]
I've uploaded new oekaki drawings:

[October the 28th 2007]
No I'm not dead. Actually I've just scanned and uploaded the 24 hour comic I made at Lambiek comic store.
link naar de strip
Click on the image to read the comic. Mind you, the comic is in Dutch, but I'll upload an English translation eventually.

Disclaimer: Original Art copyright © Suzan Bongers
Don’t use, modify, or apply this website's contents and concepts in any way or form without the creator's explicit permission. Art theft is a petty crime, but I’m a wrathful person and will hunt you down to your grave, if you’re not civil enough to ask for the things you want.

-Suzan Bongers-