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I've used ProCreate epoxy sculpy for sculpting the mods. It's a grey material often used by miniature sculptures. I started with rolling teeth and let them harden for 24 hours. I've rolled the teeth around pieces of metal wire to make sure they wouldn't break and they were easier to make this way.

I sketched the outline of the mouth and used a scalpel to carve out a space large enough to hold a 6 mm eye. Then I made holes around the mouth cavity for the teeth, because I was afraid the teeth might break off if I sculpted them directly on the face.

After I was finished cutting away resin I started sculpting. This was my first time working with epoxy sculpy and I learned how to work with it while I worked with it. I also adjusted the way I wanted the mods to look to what I was capable of sculpting. It was like a journey of discovery, but then with epoxy and horror mods.

In the picture below you can see I've also slightly opened the eyes. The dreaming look the head sculpt originally had didn't suit my ideas of the mod.

The next step is more sculpting.

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